Why choose enterprise billing software? Aren’t individual solutions a better fit?

At first glance, an in-house billing solution may seem attractive because it can implement company-specific wishes. But if you consider how much effort is involved in programming your own solution, you will quickly realize that this approach is hardly ever successful. Especially in the area of enterprise billing, processes must be designed to be error-free and legally compliant.

Enterprise billing software can score with high quality standards. Whether tax regulations, requirements by the GoBD or DSGVO – here, empirical values prove their worth. In addition, a corresponding software solution must be continuously tested and updated.

An in-house billing solution can also reach its limits in terms of support. If something doesn’t work, the entire billing process can come to a standstill. In the worst case, no payments are made – and the company’s liquidity suffers. Enterprise billing software provides professional customer support. In the event of difficulties, a quick response is possible.